
Cambridge Science Park 120-126

Camprop Development LTD

location | Cambridge  

This new development completes the composition begun by 127-136 and defines a clear and welcoming arrival experience for pedestrians and cyclists. A highly adaptable, low carbon building that can be home to a wide spectrum of occupants. A new urban space with a strong sense of identity provides a sheltered gathering place as part of an evolving network of spaces. A sinuous and sophisticated skin creates a dynamic and distinctive new face at the entrance to Cambridge Science Park.

The proposal for this key site aims to adopt the sustainability objectives we set for 127-136. A sustainable exemplar that will provide a healthy, low energy, low carbon, highly flexible workplace. Exploiting renewable technology and increasing biodiversity at roof level and improving accessibility, connectivity and a sense of welcome at ground level through an improved landscape scheme and the creation of a new pedestrian route directly toward the Bradfield Centre and the heart of the Park.

A new gathering place is created between the two developments – a positive contribution to the intended network of distinct spaces and neighbourhoods that will be developed across the Science Park includes the potential to connect across the First Public Drain ( Science Park Brook) toward the Social Hub and Guided Bus. The adjacent graphic shows how we have approached reducing carbon emissions
for 127-136.